Le CDC vient d'indiquer que la grippe H5N1 vient de passer en catégorie 1.

Publié le par ryback

Le virus grippal H5N1 était classé avant en catégorie 4 et vient maintenant d'être reclassé en catégorie 1. Cette modification entraine semble t il une quarantaine obligatoire s'ils sont classés comme « cas suspecté » par des hôpitaux par exemple.

A titre d'exemple d'autres maladies sont dans cette catégorie comme le choléra, la fièvre jaune, la peste bubonique, la rage, le virus Ebola, l'anthrax et le SRAS.

Source complète:  http://www.cna.com.tw/eng/cepread.php?id=200705310026

Note ryback: Tiens, c'est assez curieux mais si quelqu'un détient un document sur les différentes catégories classant les maladies humaines, je suis preneur........ INFO ou INTOX ??????
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Or perhaps experienced typically the unbeatable joy from a professional house cleaning? That inexplicable charming appearance a sparkling house cleaning has you! It’s quite possibly that reoccurring cleaning system you opted that makes you thrilled and promised that going around your pristine home, is right now safe and will never expose want you to dust and / or grime?
non cea n'est pas une blague mais cela ne concerne que taiwan, autant dire pas grand chose... c'est un reglement et une classification qui leur sont propres. Donc on ne s'affole pas plus qu'hier...<br />  <br />  <br /> Communicable Disease Control Act<br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> Formulated and promulgated in 35 articles by the National Government on 6 December 1944 <br /> Amended articles 31 and 32 and promulgated by the President on 28 December 1948<br /> Promulgated by the President amendment of the Act in 40 articles on 19 January 1983<br /> Amended the title and the entire text in 47 articles and promulgated under Hua-Tsuon A-Yi order No. 8800142740 on 23 June 1999<br /> (Original title: Communicable Disease Control Act – a different term in Chinese)<br /> Amended Articles 27 and 37 and promulgated under Hua-Tsuong A-Yi No. 09100020670 on 30 January 2002<br /> Amended Articles 5 and 31 and promulgated under Hua-Tsuong A-Yi No. 09200248391 on 7 January 2004<br /> Amended 75 articles and promulgated under Hua-Tsuong A-Yi No. 09300010081 on 20 January 2004 <br /> <br />  <br /> <br /> Chapter 1  General Principles<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 1  To halt the occurrence, infection and transmission of communicable diseases, this Act is hereby formulated.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 2  The competent authorities of this Act shall be the Department of Health of the Executive Yuan at the central level; the municipality governments at the municipality level; and the county (city) governments at the county (city) level.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 3  The communicable diseases referred to in this Act shall be:<br />  <br /> <br /> 1.     Category 1 communicable diseases: cholera, plague, yellow fever, rabies, Ebola hemorrhagic fever, anthrax, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS);<br />  <br /> <br /> 2.     Category 2 communicable diseases: typhus fever, diphtheria, meningococcal meningitis, typhoid, paratyphoid, poliomyelitis, bacillary dysentery, amebic dysentery, dengue fever, malaria, measles, acute viral hepatitis A, enterohemorrhagic E coli (EHEC), enterovirus complicated severe case, Hanta virus syndrome;<br />  <br /> <br /> 3.     Category 3 communicable diseases: tuberculosis, Japanese encephalitis, leprosy, rubella, congenital rubella syndrome, pertussis, scarlet fever, tetanus, scrub typhus, acute viral hepatitis (except A), mumps, chickenpox, legionnella, invasive hemophilus influenza b, syphilis, gonorrhea, serious complication of influenza;<br />  <br /> <br /> 4.     Designated communicable diseases: known communicable diseases or syndromes other than those mentioned in the preceding three subparagraphs that are deemed by the central competent authority necessary to be prevented and controlled in accordance with this Act and are so announced;<br />  <br /> <br /> 5.     Emerging infectious diseases: unknown emerging communicable diseases or syndromes whose symptoms or cure outcomes are significantly different from those of the known communicable diseases, and the central competent authority considers that their epidemics can pose serious impact on the health of the population, and that it is necessary to prevent and control them in accordance with this Act and is so announced.<br />  <br /> <br /> The afore-mentioned communicable diseases shall be reviewed and revised immediately when their pathogenic agents, control methods are confirmed or changed to require re-categorization or abolition; during times of emergency, the central competent authority may announce in advance adjustment of the categorization or its abolition.<br />  <br /> <br /> The central competent authority may, when necessary, announce in advance the contents of the announcement mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs by via the public media and the Internet.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 4  The authorities and responsibilities of the central competent authority, municipality, county (city) competent authorities (hereafter referred to as local competent authorities) in the implementation of this Act shall be:<br />  <br /> <br /> 1.     The central competent authority:<br />  <br /> <br /> 1)         formulate policies and plans for the control of communicable diseases, including measures such as immunization, prevention of communicable diseases, epidemiological surveillance, reporting, investigations, laboratory testing, management, quarantine, mobilization by level, storing of disease control supplies, and training;<br />  <br /> <br /> 2)         supervise, command, guide and assess local competent authorities in the execution of matters concerning communicable disease control;<br />  <br /> <br /> 3)         establish matters related to the compensation of victims of immunization hazards;<br />  <br /> <br /> 4)         implement matters concerning the quarantine of international and designated ports;<br />  <br /> <br /> 5)         matters deemed by the central competent authority necessary for the control of communicable diseases.<br />  <br /> <br /> 2.     Local competent authorities:<br />  <br /> <br /> 1)         develop implementation plans and implement the plans in accordance with the communicable disease control policies and plans formulated by the central competent authority and also special needs for disease control of the locality, and report to the central competent authority for reference;<br />  <br /> <br /> 2)         implement various communicable disease control measures in the locality, including matters such as immunization, prevention of communicable diseases, epidemiological surveillance, reporting, investigations, laboratory testing, management, mobilization, storing of disease control supplies, and training;<br />  <br /> <br /> 3)         conduct quarantine of ports in the locality and ports other than those mentioned in subparagraph 4 above;<br />  <br /> <br /> 4)         implement matters instructed or commissioned by the central competent authority;<br />  <br /> <br /> 5)         other matters that shall be implemented by local competent authorities.<br />  <br /> <br /> In implementing matters mentioned in subparagraph 2 of the preceding paragraph, local competent authorities may, when necessary, request the central competent authority for support.<br />  <br /> <br /> Ports mentioned in this Act refer to seaports, wharfs and airports.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 5  Matters that all enterprise competent authorities at the central level shall coordinate and assist in the control of communicable diseases shall be:<br />  <br /> <br /> 1.     Competent authority of the interior: matters concerning the control of entry and exit, services for and follow-up management of individuals under house-quarantine;<br />  <br /> <br /> 2.     Competent authority of foreign affairs: matters concerning liaison with international organizations, issuance of visas to foreign passport holders;<br />  <br /> <br /> 3.     Competent authority of finance: matters concerning lease for use of state properties;<br />  <br /> <br /> 4.     Competent authority of economic affairs: matters concerning the assurance of the supply of disease control materials, and control of industry-specific ports;<br />  <br /> <br /> 5.     Competent authority of transportation: matters concerning the control of airports and commercial seaports, requisition of transportation means;<br />  <br /> <br /> 6.     Competent authority of mainland affairs: matters concerning the coordination of policies governing contacts between people of the Taiwan Area and people of the mainland China area, or Hong Kong and Macau;  <br />  <br /> <br /> 7.     Competent authority of environmental protection: matters concerning the sanitation and disinfection of public environment, and disposal of wastes;<br />  <br /> <br /> 8.     Competent authority of agriculture: matters concerning the control of communicable diseases common to humans and animals, control of fishing harbors;<br />  <br /> <br /> 9.     Competent authority of labor: matters concerning occupational safety and hygiene, and protection of work rights;<br />  <br /> <br /> 10. Competent authority of information: matters concerning the management and release of news, requisition of communications media, and dissemination of government orders;<br />  <br /> <br /> 11. Other relevant organizations: relevant matters necessary to disease control.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 6  Competent authorities at all levels shall give priority to the control of communicable diseases.  They shall, when there are no communicable diseases, conduct various investigations and take effective preventive measures; and when there are outbreaks or epidemics of communicable diseases, control them promptly to prevent their spread.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 7  Decision on, announcement of and removal of epidemic conditions of communicable diseases and the areas so affected shall be made by the central competent authority.  For category 2 and category 3 communicable diseases, local competent authorities may do so upon requesting the central competent authority for approval.<br />  <br /> <br /> The central competent authority shall timely announce international epidemic conditions or related alarming.<br />  <br /> <br /> The epidemic conditions mentioned in this Act refer to conditions where the number of cases of communicable diseases in a specific area at a specific time exceeds the expected number or where there is a phenomenon of herd clustering.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 8  When physicians, employees of medical care (medical) institutions and academic or research institutions are notified by competent authorities at various levels to correct erroneous or incorrect information on communicable diseases reported by them, they shall correct it immediately.  <br />  <br /> <br /> Article 9  When public communications media are notified by competent authorities at various levels to correct their reporting of epidemic conditions that is not in accord with facts, they shall correct it immediately.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 10  Competent authorities at various levels, medical care (medical) institutions, medical personnel and other personnel who know about, by their professional work, information relevant to names, medical records and medical history of patients of communicable diseases or suspected patients of communicable diseases, they shall not disclose such information.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 11  The personality and legal rights of patients infected by communicable diseases, medical personnel in care of such patients, and patients and their families under isolation care, house-quarantine, concentration quarantine, shall be respected and protected without any discrimination.<br />  <br /> <br /> Without consent of the individuals mentioned above, no recording, videoing or photographing is permitted.  <br />  <br /> <br /> Article 12  Unless for reasons of public control, patients infected by communicable diseases shall not be refused schooling, employment or given any other unfair treatment.  <br />  <br /> <br /> Article 13  Individuals infected with pathogenic agents of communicable diseases and suspected patients of communicable diseases are regarded as patients of communicable diseases, and regulations of this Act apply.<br />  <br /> <br /> Chapter 2  Control Systems<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 14  For the needs of disease control, competent authorities at various levels may establish various committees or task groups.  <br />  <br /> <br /> Article 15  When communicable diseases occur or are feared to occur, competent authorities at various levels may organize mobile disease control teams to implement in mobile ways disease control matters.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 16  Local competent authorities shall, when communicable diseases occur or feared to occur in their respective locality, mobilize immediately their relevant affiliated organizations (institutions) and personnel for necessary management, and immediately collect the results and report to the central competent authority.<br />  <br /> <br /> Under those circumstances mentioned above, local competent authorities shall, in addition to taking adequate control measures in accordance with their authorities and responsibilities, act in accordance with instructions of the central competent authority to fully function the comprehensive control effects.<br />  <br /> <br /> In the management of epidemic conditions mentioned in the preceding two paragraphs, if local competent authorities deem it necessary to unify command and assemble personnel and facilities of relevant affiliated organizations (institutions) for the execution of disease control measures, they may establish epidemic command centers.  <br />  <br /> <br /> The central competent authority may, when necessary, invite organizations concerned for coordination meetings on the management of epidemic conditions to coordinate personnel concerned and resources of organizations at various levels, and to supervise local competent authorities and assist them in implementing control measures.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 17  The central competent authority shall, in consideration of the severity of the epidemic conditions, and when considering it necessary to consolidate various resources and facilities and integrate personnel of relevant organizations (institutions), upon reporting to the Executive Yuan for approval, establish a central epidemic command center and assign a commanding officer to unify command, supervise and assist government organizations at various levels, state enterprises, reserve organizations and civic organizations to implement disease control; when necessary, the military shall be coordinated for support.<br />  <br /> <br /> The central competent authority shall formulate Implementation regulations on the organization, training, matters of assistance, and operational procedures of the central epidemic command center.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 18  Competent authorities at various levels may, during times of serious epidemic conditions of communicable diseases within the country, or epidemic conditions induced by terrorist incidents of biological agents, implement jointly with the national defense mobilization reserve system relevant disease control measures.<br />  <br /> <br /> Chapter 3  Prevention of Communicable Diseases<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 19  To disseminate to the public information on disease control, government organizations (institutions) and schools at various levels shall strengthen relevant education and dissemination of information regarding  disease control, and may request relevant professional groups for assistance; medical care (medical) organizations shall implement regularly training and exercises on disease control.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 20  Competent authorities and medical care (medical) institutions at various levels shall store, in sufficient amounts, various pharmaceuticals and devices for disease control.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 21  Government organizations at various levels shall, for the needs of disease control, conduct disinfection of drinking water, protect public water sources, and improve quality of drinking water; when necessary, competent authorities at various levels may temporarily close water sources likely to spread communicable diseases.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 22  Government organizations at various levels shall promote the construction of water supply and sewer systems in the locality, improve public and private toilets; and when necessary, may conduct disinfection of feces, or dismantle toilets and their relevant facilities that are hazardous to sanitation.  <br />  <br /> <br /> Article 23  Local competent authorities shall conscientiously prohibit the sales, donation, and discarding of various media of communicable diseases such as food, animals or remains of animals died of diseases, and take management methods such as extermination, destruction, burial or relevant others against them.  <br />  <br /> <br /> Article 24  When the various media of communicable diseases such as food items, animals or remains of animals which died of diseases mentioned in the preceding Article are, by regulations, destroyed, buried or managed by other necessary methods, owners or managers of the media will not be compensated if the reasons of transmitting communicable diseases are due to their illegal actions, or if they fail to immediately cooperate in the management of the media; otherwise, local competent authorities shall assess the value of the media, and compensate them at their discretion; regulations concerning compensation shall be decided by the central competent authority.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 25  When communicable diseases occur or are feared to occur, local competent authorities shall supervise in the eradication of mosquitoes, flies, fleas, louses, rats, cockroaches and other vectors.<br />  <br /> <br /> Owners, managers or users of the public or private sites that are breeding sources of the vectors mentioned in the preceding paragraph shall, by notification or announcement of the local competent authorities, actively clear them up.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 26  To effectively integrate national disease control resources, to timely detect epidemic conditions of communicable diseases, and to function in full the effects of advance warning, the central competent authority shall formulate channels of communicable disease reporting and ways of epidemiological investigations, for the collection and analysis of reported information, and to strengthen surveillance and warning of epidemic conditions of communicable diseases and disease control resource systems; the implementation regulations shall be decided by the central competent authority.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 27  To prevent the infection and transmission of communicable diseases, the central competent authority may implement a system for the medical care of patients of communicable diseases by level, and establish a medical care network for control to utilize as a whole relevant facilities and personnel of medical care institutions.<br />  <br /> <br /> For the admission and treatment of patients of communicable diseases, the central competent authority may designate medical care institutions to set up isolation wards for communicable diseases; regulations of designation shall be decided by the central competent authority.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 28  Legal proxies of children shall make children accept immunization regularly, and keep the immunization records properly.<br />  <br /> <br /> New students of primary schools and pre-school (nurseries) institutions shall submit, upon enrolment, immunization records; children who are not immunized shall be supervised to accept make-up immunization; the central<br />  <br /> <br /> competent authority jointly with organizations concerned regulations shall be decided by the central competent authority jointly with organizations concerned.  <br />  <br /> <br /> Article 29  Medical care institutions shall ask patients who present themselves for treatment at the medical care institutions about their medical history, medical care records, history of contact, history of traveling and other matters related to communicable diseases; patients themselves or their families shall make a factual report without any concealment.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 30  Medical care (medical) institutions shall, by the standards of medical care technology at the time of care, bear responsibility to care for and manage the patients properly.<br />  <br /> <br /> Medical care (medical) institutions shall prevent the occurrence of infections within the institution, and shall not refuse the provision of medical care (medical) services; when they are designated by competent authorities at various levels to implement preventive measures such as infection control and immunization, or to admit patients of communicable diseases, they shall not refuse, evade or hinder.<br />  <br /> <br /> Regulations concerning items of preventive measures to be taken by the medical care (medical) institutions of the preceding paragraph, criteria for inspections by competent authorities, and other relevant matters shall be decided by the central competent authority.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 31  Responsibilities of proper health management and care shall be borne for inmates under respite care, nursing care, detention or correction in respite care institutions, nursing care institutions, long-term care institutions, placement (reform) institutions, correction organizations, and other similar places where people live under crowded conditions.<br />  <br /> <br /> Institutions (organizations) and places of the preceding paragraph shall prevent the occurrence of infections on the premises; when they are instructed by competent authorities to implement control measures, they shall not refuse, evade or hinder.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 32  The central competent authority may announce that certain biological materials such as infectious bacterial strains, viruses, cell strains and antibodies can only be imported or exported by permission.<br />  <br /> <br /> Local competent authorities, medical care (medical) institutions, academic and research institutions, and other organizations or enterprises in possession of infectious biological materials such as pathogenic agents of communicable diseases, their derivatives, and sera shall report to the central competent authority for reference; managers, keepers and users of these materials shall use or possess the materials in laboratories and environment that are equipped with relevant protective facilities and meet the biological safety operational standards decided by the central competent authority; regulations concerning the possession, keeping, management and other matters of biological materials shall be decided by the central competent authority.  <br />  <br /> <br /> Chapter 4  Disease Control Measures<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 33  When communicable diseases occur or are feared to occur, local competent authorities may impose management measures such as restriction, prohibition or other adequate measures on farming and fishery, animal husbandry, swimming or drinking water of a certain area in the jurisdiction.<br />  <br /> <br /> For management of the sources of contamination of the preceding paragraph, local competent authorities may, when necessary, request various central enterprise competent authorities for assistance.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 34  When communicable diseases occur, the public shall cooperate and accept inspections, treatment or other disease control and quarantine measures of the competent authorities at various levels.  <br />  <br /> <br /> Article 35  When communicable diseases occur, local competent authorities shall, by considering actual needs, take in collaboration with organizations concerned the following measures:<br />  <br /> <br /> 1.            restrict or prohibit schooling, meeting, partying or other group activities;<br />  <br /> <br /> 2.            control entry and exit of certain specific places, and restrict the number of people that they can contain;<br />  <br /> <br /> 3.            control part of or all traffic of certain specific districts;<br />  <br /> <br /> 4.            evacuate people of certain specific places or districts;<br />  <br /> <br /> 5.            other disease control measures announced by government organizations at various levels.<br />  <br /> <br /> All institutions, organizations, enterprises and personnel shall not refuse, evade or hinder measures of the preceding paragraph.<br />  <br /> <br /> Measures in paragraph 1 that shall be taken by local competent authorities shall be taken, during the period when the central epidemic command center is in existence, in accordance with the instruction of its commander.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 36  When communicable diseases occur, all personnel who are needed to enter public and private places or transportation means for disease control operations shall be personnel of local competent authorities in collaboration with personnel of the police and other organizations concerned; owners, managers or users of the public and private places or transportation means shall be notified in advance to be present.<br />  <br /> <br /> When owners, managers or users of the public and private places or transportation means are not present, personnel concerned may enter directly for disease control operations; when necessary, village (li) chiefs or neighborhood chiefs may be requested to be present.  <br />  <br /> <br /> Owners, managers or users of the public and private places or transportation means of paragraph 1, when they are present, shall not refuse, evade or hinder the disease control operations.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 37  When physicians in diagnosis and treatment of patients, or physicians and forensic medicine physicians in inspecting remains, detect communicable diseases or suspected communicable diseases, they shall, by actual conditions, take necessary infection control measures, and report to the respective competent authorities.  The same applies to patients when their conditions change.<br />  <br /> <br /> Reporting of cases of the preceding paragraph shall be, for category 1 and category 2 communicable diseases, made within 24 hours; for category 3 communicable diseases, in one week, and when necessary, the central competent authority may make adjustment; the reporting of designated communicable diseases and new infections shall be made within the time limit and by the regulations announced by the central competent authority.  <br />  <br /> <br /> Physicians, when explaining in public disease conditions of relevant cases, shall do so by reporting to and verification by the respective competent authority in advance.<br />  <br /> <br /> To meet the needs for disease control, competent authorities at various levels may request medical care (medical) institutions, physicians or forensic medicine physicians to provide, within deadline, relevant follow-up results of laboratory testing and treatment of the patients, medical care (medical) institutions, physicians or forensic medicine physicians shall not refuse, evade or hinder.  <br />  <br /> <br /> If report or information of paragraph 1 and the preceding paragraph provided is incomplete, the respective competent authority may ask them for supplementation within deadline.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 38  When medical personnel other than physicians detect, in performing their duties, patients of communicable diseases, suspected patients of communicable diseases, or remains died of these causes, they shall report to physicians or report in accordance with regulations of paragraph 2 of the preceding Article.<br />  <br /> <br /> Medical care (medical) institutions shall assign a full-time person to be responsible for supervising subordinate medical personnel to act in accordance with regulations of the preceding paragraph or preceding Article.  <br />  <br /> <br /> Article 39  When village (li) chiefs, neighborhood chiefs, village (li) clerks, police officers or fire fighters detect patients of suspected communicable diseases or remains died of suspected communicable diseases, they shall notify within 24 hours the competent authority of the locality.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 40  When the following persons detect patients of suspected communicable diseases or remains died of suspected communicable diseases and are not yet diagnosed or inspected by physicians, they shall notify within 24 hours the competent authority of the locality:<br />  <br /> <br /> 1.     relatives or cohabitants of patients or the deceased;<br />  <br /> <br /> 2.     persons in charge of hotels or stores;<br />  <br /> <br /> 3.     owners, managers or drivers of transportation means;<br />  <br /> <br /> 4.     persons in charge of organizations, schools, pre-school (nursery) institutions, enterprises, factories, mines, temples, churches, funeral services or other public places;<br />  <br /> <br /> 5.     persons in charge or managers of respite care institutions, nursing care institutions, long-term care institutions, placement (reform) institutions and other similar places where people live in crowded conditions;<br />  <br /> <br /> 6.     representatives of travel services, tour guides or tour leaders.<br />  <br /> <br /> Article 41  Local competent authorities shall, upon receipt of report or notification of communicable diseases, laboratory-test, diagnose, and investigate sources of communicable diseases, conduct adequate management, and report to the central competent authority.<br />  <br /> <br /> Patients of communicable diseases and relevant personnel shall not refuse, evade or hinder the labo
Wouahhhh !<br /> Au moins comme cela, on a tout directement......<br /> Merci de cette contribution.
Après recherche voici ce que j'ai trouvé : <br /> http://www.cdc.gov/ncidod/dq/isolation_quarantine/index.htm<br /> a priori le classement en catégorie "mise en quarantaine" concerne tous les virus grippaux de type pandémique et date d'avril 2005. Rien de neuf donc !<br /> Bien à vous et merci pour toutes ces info.
Merci laetitia de ces infos. <br /> Je ne vois pas pourquoi cet article a été publié. M'enfin, pas grave. <br /> Encore merci de vos encouragements. <br /> Bon week-end. <br />  <br />  
J'ai vu quelque chose qui semblait aller dans le sens de l'article... Je vais essayer de retrouver cette source.....<br /> <br />
Nous sommes preneur !<br /> ;-)
Voici ce que je viens de trouver à ce sujet : <br /> http://www.cdc.gov.tw/WebSite_En/Laws%20and%20Regulations/Act.files/930120%20Communicable%20Disease%20Control%20Act-1.doc<br />  <br /> Bien à vous, <br />  <br /> Lionel
Merci Lionel. <br /> On y voit que le SRAS fait déjà parti de la catégorie 1, donc la grippe aviaire pourrait éventuellement y être ajoutée.......<br /> C'est une piste......<br />  <br />